Isometric drawing

In maths, when I discovered the website Isometric drawing tool after I created my shape on the website, I drew a rectangular prism. This shows my ability to draw 3D shapes. ( I would have drawn more 3D shapes if I had time. I love to challenge myself and extend my ability to draw and create.)

Weekly Exhibition Post

We have been told throughout this week, that we are finishing up our finding out stage in the exhibition. I have done lots of research about gender inequality and have jotted down the websites that I have used. This afternoon I am hoping that I can think about some people that I could talk to about gender inequality to use as a primary source. I am also working on my media arts project: making a dramatic video about my topic and in P.E we have finalised our moves and our storyline. I am very excited about the exhibition, working hard to find information is worth it. I talked to my piano teacher about my topic and I was surprised by how much I knew off by heart, reciting without my folder!

100 Word Challenge

I have decided that I want to post a 100 word challenge I did on the 30th of July. Through this story I was counting words, as well as making up story according to the photograph which is shown below:

The wind howled, Willow sprinted down the path looking ahead. Her clear and crystal blue eyes shone as she scanned the path. Her brunette hair wildly blew in time with the wind. Her brown bag was heavy, Willow was breathing hard, using up all her energy. Willow stopped about a metre away from a tree and looked ahead. The path was cracking. The path vanished behind her, that meant Willow’s past was behind her now. She couldn’t turn back. She looked ahead. This was her future now, she had to accept that. The wind stopped, Willow adventurously walked ahead.


For the year five exhibition, my global issue is gender inequality. I chose this topic because I strongly believe that women and men should be equal. At the moment, I am finalising my lines of inquiry. Before that, I was working on my central idea, but I have completed my central idea. My central idea is our differences deserve respect and acceptance. As well as researching my topic after I come up with my lines of inquiry, I also do lessons out of the classroom like P.E, music and art. In P.E, my group and I are creating a dance that represents my issue: gender inequality. My group and I have to make up our own choreography about our issue and explain how it affects people. My topic and the exhibition is a fun experience and it will good fun to express how I feel about my topic.